Do you use social media to post, share, tweet, or comment on personal information?
Do your family or friends tag you in photos or comment on posts?
Have you ever wondered if personal information can impact your public school employment?
Do you know that educators are held to a higher standard?
Attend this MTA Legal workshop for more information on the perils of email, internet, and social media and how to avoid the avoidable in the digital workplace.
When: Wednesday, January 27th, 3:45
Where: Belmont High School Library
221 Concord Ave
Belmont, MA 02478
Presenter: Ira Fader, MTA General Counsel
Description: The internet has fundamentally changed our access to information and our means of communication, and these changes affect us all directly, as professionals and as citizens. This workshop focuses on the perils and pitfalls that face educators and other personnel in their use of the internet and email, both at work and at home. We will discuss how we communicate at work, employees’ privacy issues and social networking and other online activities while off duty. We will also explore school “acceptable-use policies,” and other issues related to our digital rights and responsibilities.