Mathematic Strategies for Elementary Paraprofessionals
Peter Mili, Mathematics Educator
Education Association of Worcester on 4/28/15
Difficult Conversations
Katherine Clarke, MTA Field Representative
Holiday Inn in Mansfield on 4/30/15
(A free copy of “Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High” will be provided to each attendee.)
Differentiated Instruction for Elementary Paraprofessionals
SiriNam Khalsa, MTA Professional Development Associate
Holyoke Community College on 5/4/15
Differentiated Instruction for Middle/High School Paraprofessionals
SiriNam Khalsa, MTA Professional Development Associate
Holyoke Community College on 5/11/15
School Safety and ESPs
Jean Fay, President, Amherst-Pelham Education Association, and Paul DeMarco, MTA Field Representative
Andover Inn on 5/26/15
Math Strategies for Middle/High Paraprofessionals
Peter Mili, Mathematics Educator
Cambridge Ridge and Latin Library Media Café on 5/28/15
All workshops are free for MTA Education Support Professionals and run from 4:30-7:30 p.m. Dinner Provided.
For more information, contact Jessica Parlon, Division of Training and Professional Learning,