MTA members have a great opportunity to let state education officials know what they think about PARCC — and about high-stakes testing in general — at a series of upcoming state-sponsored forums. We urge members to attend and speak out.
The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education is looking for feedback on whether to replace MCAS with PARCC. It is critical that the BESE hear from educators about the impact of PARCC on students and teaching. Tell your stories about PARCC, but also take advantage of this opportunity to inform officials about the true effects of the testing mandates on teaching and learning.
This year, the MTA Board has approved a bill that would establish a three-year moratorium on high-stakes testing. During those three years, a task force would be created to look at what impact all this testing is having on creating and supporting the schools our students deserve. Click here for information about the bill and for MTA messages on high-stakes testing.
It is likely that testimony will be limited to three minutes per person at the BESE forums. It is also possible that the media and some state legislators and/or local officials will be at these events. You have the best firsthand experience with testing: Let them know what you think. Please encourage your members to attend.
The following is the information provided on the hearings.
BESE to Hold PARCC Public Forums:
The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education will hold a series of public forums across the Commonwealth on its upcoming decision on whether to sunset the MCAS tests and adopt the Partnership for the Assessment of College and Careers (PARCC). Members of the public are invited to attend and offer their perspectives on the PARCC assessments on the following dates:
- Tuesday, April 28, Fitchburg State University, Hammond Hall, 3 to 6 p.m.
- Monday, May 18, Bunker Hill Community College, A300 Auditorium, 4 to 7 p.m.
- Wednesday, June 10, Bridgewater State University, Rondileau Campus Center Ballroom, 4 to 7 p.m.
- Monday, June 22, North Shore Community College — Lynn Campus, Gymnasium, 4 to 7 p.m.
- Tuesday, July 7, Springfield Technical Community College, Top of Our City Conference Center, 4 to 7 p.m.
The BESE is expected to make a decision this fall on whether PARCC should replace current MCAS tests in English language arts and mathematics. (Regardless of the board’s decision, high school MCAS tests will remain a graduation requirement through at least the class of 2019.) The board will review the results of last year’s PARCC field tests, this year’s operational tests, studies conducted by other organizations and feedback from the forums.