Tell Us about Testing Time: Go to this Survey Link
The 2014 MTA Annual Meeting New Business Item 1 requires that the MTA work with Mass Partners for Public Schools to determine how much time students and educators spend on testing and test preparation.
Please click on this link to complete this confidential survey. The survey opened on Monday, March 2, 2015, and over 4,000 teachers, specialists, paraprofessionals, principals and superintendents have completed it as of 12:00 noon on March 4!
The purpose is to determine how much time teachers, paraprofessionals and school-based administrators spend on the preparation for and administration of state, district, school and classroom assessments and how much time students spend taking tests.
Educators in PARCC districts should complete this survey. Questions that cite “MCAS” apply to both MCAS or PARCC test preparation time.
Mass Partners will compile the data and develop a report and recommendations based on educator responses.
The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete.
Thank you.