Use your “teacher voice” to speak out for the kind of schools our students deserve
Be heard! This winter, take advantage of the many opportunities to use your “teacher voice” to speak out for the kind of schools our students deserve.
ESEA Reauthorization: Get It Right

Join educators in the fight to get ESEA right! Call Congress today at 866-331-7233 or click here to email them.
Commonwealth Conversations
New Massachusetts Senate President Stan Rosenberg has launched a listening tour across the Commonwealth so that the senator from each district can meet with constituents to hear which issues people are concerned about.
Speak up as an individual. Or better yet, bring a group of educators and community members to stand together – for public education, for the well-being of our communities and against mandate madness. The impact of one person speaking is multiplied when we stand together.
Foundation Budget Review Commission

Since that time, the foundation budget — the centerpiece of the funding formula — has not been systemically re-examined in light of state curriculum frameworks, MCAS and other key elements of the 1993 law.
Until now.
The Foundation Budget Review Commission is holding hearings around the state. This is a chance for teachers and school staff to let the commission know what your working conditions are like and how to improve them. After all, your working conditions are your students’ learning conditions.Consider attending and telling your stories. Let the commission know what educators need in order to give children the schools they deserve.
Click here to learn more about the job of the commission and view upcoming hearing dates.