School Committee 9-24-13
Consent Agenda
Exhibit E – surplus property dispose of at lowest cost discard English paperback books due to condition
Chairs Report
BPL Book Sale October 19/20 Open afternoon 9/18 for teachers and librarians Friday
Broadway night
Foundation for Belmont Education Spelling Bee – November 13
Dan Scharfman Walk/Run November 17 9:30
Meeting to fill S.C. vacancy – Lisa-Elizabeth meet again next Monday, September 30th
Superintendents evaluation next meeting direct information/input to L. Graham by October 1st
Superintendent Search committee ready to announce members by Thursday
Superintendents Report
2013 MCAS Memo – All schools in district are now rated level 1 status with is the highest level in state system. This is based on PPI formula for meeting improvement targets Math and Science Extra Credit 25% or 90 districts level 1- “Thank you to educators who made this possible”
Field PARCCPartnership Assessment for Readiness for Mastery of the national Common Core standards vote will determine if MA move from MCAS to PARK as soon as next year. Final states field testing, MA performance based assessment (open response) and end of year assessment (may/june machine scores) designed to be taken on line. Belmontfield test Butler (4 ELA) performance based online version, March/April Grade 7 mathematics & May/June multiple choice also Grade 8 ELA performance Grade 9 ELA BHS end of year and online assessment will not receive any date purely test option to exempt out of MCAS grade 4/8 ELA
Parent Survey with DESE – parent involvement how well does Belmont do – some participation 405/9.3% parents 355 general education and 50/12.6% parents of students with disabilities – compared to 96 other districts – responses were positive 80% or above for most of question and 60% satisfaction with parents of students with disabilities connecting with other parents.
Finance Director
Close out FY 2013 working to confirm balances end of year DESE report
Superintendent modeling on compensation group identify short term action will be reporting out other data later
PLT – RTI Jaynene Delitt-Young Response To Intervention (RTI)
ELL in Belmont 2013
30% Chinese has become the predominate language and never grouped but considering for next year. There has been 50% increase in last year or 182 new ELL students. The typical high point is in February. Students are coming with less English than before, with a spike in level 1 (newcomer beginner English). There is almost a 1-1 correlation with new enrollments and instructional changes – increase transitional English and new comer English. Grades 6-12 there has been larger instructional group. K-12 there has been the most elementary 60 students. BPS is attempting to figure out how to see all the student not every day, 30 minutes with groups 6/7
SIE endorsement – 12 session 2 ½ -3 ½ hour training with significant homework, the target this year is on 6-12 (32). 35 teachers volunteered all but 1 enrolled in Belmont or other course begin next Wednesday. Looking forward to a significant impact on all students regardless of language barrier. Retell website –
Student Representatives to School Committee
Student concerned about attendance policy and additional “pressure to be in class caused stress’
October breast cancer month raised $13k for Making Strides last year
iPad for freshman + AP French not utilize and integrated into French 5 & 5H course. Teachers have been more tolerant of technology and finding new ways to utilize in class and allowing students to use technology.
NHS peer tutoring program – Risa Carp working with students to design space in library so students receive support every period up and running sometime in October. Online programs to aid peers present at faculty meeting tomorrow
6 national Merit Scholars’ finalists
Out of state trips
Ferry Beach and Washington DC
Belmont Media Center – Appoint Scott Stafford
Information technology Committee Appoint James Barrett
Approval of Minutes